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All posts and comments must follow Reddiquette. Please submit posts of this nature to to r/HalfLifeLounge. image macros, "One-liner" jokes), streams, generic Let's Plays, reposts, spam, rants, etc. Low-value submissions that may detract from meaningful discussion are not allowed. Important Valve and Steam news may be allowed per Moderator discretion. Submissions must be directly related to the Half-Life franchise. We have a few light rules to keep discussion upbeat and interesting, check them out below! You've come to the right place to discuss Half-Life. You have chosen, or have been chosen to subscribe to our subreddit. Valve started and canceled five Half-Life games before Alyx, including a Half-Life 3 project.Welcome. Manage cookie settings Insecurity Faceposer Test – Mod DB The man indicates that it may take a while before a playable version of the game is finished, but in the meantime gives the curious already some screenshots and videos of Insecurity.Īll info about Black Mesa: Insecurity can be found on the mod’s page on ModDB. The Blue Shift remake is being developed by just one modder as an extension for Black Mesa, a game that rebuilt the original Half-Life with the Source engine. However, you don’t step into the shoes of Half-Life protagonist Gordon Freeman, but play as security guard Barney Calhoun. In the game you still explore the gigantic Black Mesa fortress that has been taken over by all kinds of aliens and government forces who want to nip it all in the bud. The game was released in 2001 and was developed by Gearbox.
The original game, Half-Life: Blue Shift, was the second expansion before the groundbreaking Half-Life. However, the one-man project is far from finished. Half-Life: Blue Shift is also getting a Source versionīlack Mesa: Insecurity is the name of an ambitious mod that the Half-Life extension Blue Shift want to give a graphics upgrade.