
Handmaidens of the everqueen
Handmaidens of the everqueen

handmaidens of the everqueen

Yet, when the Everqueen walks among her subjects, a subtle vibration can be felt racing through the whole forest, invigorating all with burgeoning anticipation and excitement. So it is that in Avelorn excellence is but the least expected of a performer. To be chosen as her consort or as a Handmaiden is the highest honour for a youth of Ulthuan, but those whose artistry fails to impress the fickle inhabitants of the forest soon find themselves objects of ridicule. Because of this, and the presence of the Handmaidens of the Everqueen, Avelorn can become a hotbed of ego and intrigue, where every performer vies for the favour of the Everqueen and the chance at a place at her side. The Everqueen herself rarely ventures openly among the court until she knows whom she will choose to accompany her glorious cavalcade through the forest realm. Armour may sometimes be styled in floral or leaf shapes. Warriors of Avelorn are most likely to wear green plumes or embroidered decoration with floral designs. The most renowned regiment of Avelorn is the Everqueen's warrior guard of Elf-maids, the Sisters of Avelorn. It is said that some of the Wood Elf kindreds of Athel Loren in the Old World are descended from the people of Avelorn. Those who dwell here specialise in archery. With its perfect weather, bountiful forests and beautiful near-immortal inhabitants, Avelorn seems the sort of verdant paradise of which mortal Men can only dream. By night, faerie lights flicker in the darkness, illuminating the revels and feasting. By day, silver laughter rings through the forest as the Elves make sport. The court of the Everqueen moves through Avelorn from place to place like a great carnival, pitching silken pavilions wherever it halts. Often, there is rivalry between the two thrones, but this balance is at the very heart of the High Elves' concepts of hierarchy - being ruled by a single, all-powerful dictator like the Dark Elves' Witch King Malekith would be unthinkable to them. As such, she holds tremendous power and prestige - her only real peer is the Phoenix King himself. Īvelorn is ruled by the Everqueen, the chosen of the Earth Mother, Mistress of the Undying Forest, Preserver of Green Fastness, Observer of the Rites of the Golden Spring, Monarch of one of the Twin Thrones of Ulthuan.

handmaidens of the everqueen

Yet Avelorn's glories are maintained only by the constant watchfulness of the Rangers that guard its borders, for the monsters of the Annulii Mountains are drawn to this realm as to no other scarcely a day passes without an attack by some dread creature. Ancient glamours lie upon its tangled groves, and creatures of legend still walk beneath its eaves. The Kingdom of Avelorn is the oldest of all the Elven realms of Ulthuan.

Handmaidens of the everqueen